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Giving is not just an isolated act but rather an important belief that is woven deeply into the very fabric of Christianity. Whether it’s donating to our church or other good causes, we’ve all been encouraged at some point to give generously from what God has blessed us with. But have you ever stopped to think about why it’s so emphasized in the Bible and how it can impact our spiritual lives? While the world places importance on acquiring more and hoarding wealth, the Bible emphasizes practicing generosity through giving.

Organizations like the Christian Charity Foundation exemplify putting God’s heart into action through community-transforming charity globally. When the church wholeheartedly embraces giving from a stance of faithful worship and compassion, God accomplishes exceedingly abundant works through her.

7 Main Importance of Giving in Christian Faith

Giving in the Christian faith aligns our priorities with God’s work rather than materialism. This strengthens the relationship with God, and they receive spiritual prosperity and blessings.

1. Theological Foundations of Christian Giving

At the core, the importance of giving in the Christian Faith stems from acknowledging God as the divine authority over all things. We recognize that everything belongs to Him and has been graciously provided by Him alone. Through giving, we express our gratitude for our abundant blessings.

Not only that, practicing generosity mirrors God’s limitless love and generosity. Giving permeates His very nature. When we give, we participate in His divine nature and create ripples of His love in the world.

2. We Belong to God

As followers of Christ, we belong fully to God. Our very lives belong solely to Him. Since God is the true Owner of all things, He has sole authority in deciding how resources should be distributed and used. Our identity as Christians is not defined by what we own or what we can claim for ourselves. We are to act as faithful stewards of the abundance He has poured out upon us by giving in accord with His will. It is merely for a time, not as owners. Giving back portions regularly through the church or charitable causes allows God’s magnificent wealth to continually flow and spread hope according to His perfect will.

This importance of giving in the Christian Faith liberates us from excessive attachment to material things. We are free to share unconditionally, relying fully on our Creator to generously replenish whatever we release with cheerful, worshipful hearts. Our giving then aligns perfectly with God’s gracious plan to nourish and transform lives through His extraordinary love and kindness.

3. Obeying God’s Commandments

The Old Testament establishes tithing, or giving a portion of one’s resources regularly, as an act of obedience to God’s commandment. This demonstrates our willingness to trustingly submit to His instructions. Through tithing, we declare God as our Provider and affirm our reliance on Him to sustain us despite letting go of some possessions.

Historic tithes supported priests, Levites, and the poor, furthering God’s kingdom work on earth. The importance of giving strengthens faith that God will replenish whatever we offer to Him regardless of uncertainties.

4. Aligning Priorities with God’s Kingdom

Jesus taught that “where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” Repeatedly giving reveals that our greatest affections lie not in amassing wealth and materialism but in investing in God’s kingdom’s eternal spiritual realities. Resources donated to further outreach of the gospel and missions to transform lives with hope. It shifts focus from fleeting possessions to lasting fruit that endures forever.

Organizations like the Christian Charity Foundation know the importance of giving. They donate towards empowering vulnerable communities through shelter, healthcare, and spiritual nourishment programs.

5. Developing A Generous Heart

Consistently giving cultivates an attitude of abundance over scarcity. We learn to freely share our blessings rather than self-serving and hoard gifts. Such an open-handed outlook counters the greed inherent in fallen human nature. Overflowing generosity leads to a prosperous life, both materially and spiritually. With repeated experience of God’s provision through giving, a heart of altruism grows within us, similar to our Heavenly Father’s.

6. Relationship with God

As reliance on God deepens through giving in faith that He will always provide, intimate trust in His care strengthens. Witnessing how contributions impact lives finds purpose and joy, which fulfills a heart longing to bless others. Christ emphasized that our treasures are in heaven, spurring giving to invest in eternal rewards.

The act bears much fruit through transformed communities and souls added to God’s kingdom. God abundantly blesses compassionate obedience to His principles of generosity.

7. Giving with The Right Motivations

While churches rightfully teach the importance of giving, our motivations behind the act must stem from sincere worship, not legalistic duty or selfish pursuits of gain. We must discern actual needs and give to empower fellow believers, not fuel external appearances.

Expressing affection for God through ministering to His children furthers His kingdom plan most meaningfully. Our contributions should further redemption and restoration in tangible ways that glorify Christ’s selfless love.


While giving may involve sacrifice and an act of trust, it is clear that giving plays a vital role in our walk with God. Through obeying His commands, developing a Christ-like character of generosity, and furthering His kingdom, Christian giving transforms both the giver and those who receive in powerful ways. Apart from just a good deed, it reflects our identity as God’s people and strengthens our faith.

So whether it’s through tithing, supporting ministries, or donating to those in need, regularly practicing giving is an important part of the Christian faith. It may seem counter-cultural to let go of our possessions, but God promises to provide all we truly need as we seek His kingdom first.

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